Kuopio Epilepsy Symposium 2024



Kuopio Epilepsy Symposium (KES) was held in Kuopio, Eastern Finland last March. The three-day symposium was the 10th in this series of meetings and featured a wide range of scientific and clinical topics, as well as dedicated programme for nurses. This updated comes with a considerable delay, but better late than never!

The recent development of EpiCurrents has been mainly focused on the EEG module and user interface. One of the motivations behind the project is to provide a tool for epileptiform (and other kinds of) EEG findings for educational purposes. This seemed like a good fit for KES and a poster featuring the project from this angle was accepted for display at the symposium. There is also a paragraph about the upcoming collaboration with the EEGonline teaching platform.


Link to poster abstract

[PDF] Kuopio Epilepsy Symposium 2024 poster

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